And I’m Back…..


The last 3 years have been intense and I feel like i’ve been through the fire and come out 1,000 times better and stronger and wiser.

After I completed my Masters program in 2022, I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I had an extremely demanding work schedule and I was absolutely spent, out of gas and just tired. I was so exhausted that I would break down crying in the middle of traffic or in the middle of the night.

One day I decided to quit my job to take a gap year, packed up my things and started over in a whole new city.

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Grad School Diaries: The Struggle Was Real!


I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I updated this blog. Time flies.

What a year! I can admit that this year absolutely kicked my butt – I was the girl who was working full time and in Grad School part-time, all while trying to have a social life and failing miserably most times but as they say, good things take time right?

I am finally at the tail end of my current Grad School program and seriously considering beginning another.

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A chat with Entrepreneur Sanjeev Jandu on the challenges of running a Marketing Agency, the rise of ‘bedroom entrepreneurs’ and her latest business venture, Mahambi Market

You run a digital marketing agency called Breath Media, with an international clientele, that sounds very intense, what does a day in your life look like? 

Well, each day is totally different! Some days it’s admin in the office, while others it’s me on the move from meetings, to shoots, to online conferences. It’s unpredictable, but you know what? I love it! The hustle and bustle really drives me!

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