And I’m Back…..


The last 3 years have been intense and I feel like i’ve been through the fire and come out 1,000 times better and stronger and wiser.

After I completed my Masters program in 2022, I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I had an extremely demanding work schedule and I was absolutely spent, out of gas and just tired. I was so exhausted that I would break down crying in the middle of traffic or in the middle of the night.

One day I decided to quit my job to take a gap year, packed up my things and started over in a whole new city.

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Grad School Diaries: The Struggle Was Real!


I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I updated this blog. Time flies.

What a year! I can admit that this year absolutely kicked my butt – I was the girl who was working full time and in Grad School part-time, all while trying to have a social life and failing miserably most times but as they say, good things take time right?

I am finally at the tail end of my current Grad School program and seriously considering beginning another.

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Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020…

credit: GIPHY

Last year was quite a year. It was long, emotional and arduous. Even though I achieved a lot, I was tested in more ways than I could have ever imagined. While I am proud of the woman that emerged, I have to say that there are some realisations that truly broke my heart in 2019. In fact by the end of the 1st quarter, I felt burnt out and emotionally drained. Between a career plateau, a health scare and lots of relationship (family and friends) drama, I decided to take a step back and evaluate my life decisions.

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What If…


I remember when I used to do things purely out of love. I grew up in a small town that was mostly agricultural and on weekends there wasn’t much to do. We had a large backyard and on sunny days, I would lay out in the grass and get lost in a book.

I went from Thumbelina and The Pied Piper of Hamelin to the midnight feasts and sweetened condensed milk of Mallory Towers to The Sweet Valley and Sierra Jensen series as a pre-teen then on to classics like Little Women and Pride and Prejudice as a young adult.

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2018 Reading Goals + Studying My Favorite Writers

To be a good writer you have to read. Reading helps you sharpen your vocabulary and teaches you the fundamentals of story structure and plot development.

This year, I made a resolution to read a book a month as well as to study my favorite authors – not just to read their books for leisure, or to pass exams, as I have done in the past but to study their narrative style.

The first book that I’ve chosen is The Art Of Fiction by David Lodge. It is a book about literary criticism for the general reader. I’ll write more about the book and about David Lodge in a subsequent post but so far, I love it!

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